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TEAL is a dynamic partnership between the Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture and the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) that began in 2014 with funding from the Los Angeles Quality and Productivity Commission. LACOE and the LA County Department of Arts and Culture provide leadership for the TEAL project.

The development and implementation of TEAL brings together arts educators from Los Angeles County, including arts education specialists from the world-class Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), the Arts Education Collective of Los Angeles, the Colburn School of Performing Arts, the Chinese American Museum of LA, and even musicians whose “day jobs” include a Mars Project Engineer at the Jet Propulsion Agency, Pasadena.

Curriculum and technology specialists from the Center for Distance and Online Learning at the Los Angeles County Office of Education collaborate with these highly regarded organizations, educators from Los Angeles School Districts and Charter School Networks, and faculty and students from California State University, Los Angeles.

These local organizations work collectively to advance equitable access for all students to the arts, to build capacity in schools and districts, and to create a lasting, sustainable framework of arts integration in schools throughout LA County.

TEAL is an example of the power of community partnerships --- private and public schools, district offices, universities, performing arts organizations, museums, and county education staff --- to facilitate this important work. The arts organizations that have given indispensable assistance and guidance to TEAL also support a vast array of arts programs, projects, events, and educational needs throughout the Los Angeles region.

TEAL Partners

Another partnership that has formed with an organization outside of California is the award-winning Eurekus Company, a STEAM and Maker education provider who lend their expertise to support the mission of the TEAL Project.